Ambassador-Designate of Thailand to Denmark visited Thai elephants at Copenhagen Zoo and had a meeting with the Zoo’s executives

Ambassador-Designate of Thailand to Denmark visited Thai elephants at Copenhagen Zoo and had a meeting with the Zoo’s executives

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 18 Mar 2025

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 18 Mar 2025

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On 13 February 2025, H.E. Mrs. Suphanvasa Chotikajan Tang, Ambassador-Designate of Thailand to Denmark, together Mr. Teerakarn Savetsila, Counsellor, visited Thai elephants at Copenhagen Zoo on the occasion of “Thai Elephant Day” (13 March of every year). Ms. Pernille Wendel Mehl, CEO of the Zoo, Mr. Mads Frost Bertelsen, Zoological Director, and Mr. Jesper Rasmussen, Head of Animal Division, welcomed the Ambassador and provided a short presentation on the history of Thai elephants at the Zoo and how the Zoo has been taking care of them. The Zoo’s executives also briefed the Ambassador about the Zoo’s policy which focused on animal wellbeing and conservative work, both for animals housed at the Zoo and at the global level through international conservation projects, as well as to educate the public on environmental issues such as climate change and biodiversity.
The Ambassador discussed with the Zoo’s executives on the possibility of co-organizing an event to celebrate “Thai Elephant Day”, which is on 13 March of every year. The objective of such event would be to provide the younger generations knowledge about the long-standing cultural significance of Thai elephants to Thailand, and the continuing effort of elephant conservation in Thailand, Denmark, and other countries. Moreover, the event would provide an opportunity for the Zoo to showcase their expertise in elephant’s healthcare and conservation, as well as research on medical treatment for elephantine diseases. In this regard, the Zoo’s executives agreed with the proposal and would discuss with the Embassy further on the matter.
On this occasion, the Ambassador, guided by the representatives of the Zoo, visited all elephant under the Zoo’s care, including 3 Thai elephants, namely Kungrao (27 years old), Surin (26 years old), and Mun (4 years old), and were informed by the zookeepers on how the Zoo takes care of these animals.

