The consular mobile unit in Aarhus

The consular mobile unit in Aarhus

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 7 Sep 2021

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 24 Nov 2022

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On Saturday 4 September 2021, H.E. Mrs. Sirilak Niyom, Ambassador-designate of Thailand to Denmark, led the consular team of the Royal Thai Embassy to organize the consular mobile unit in Aarhus, which is located 320 km. away from Copenhagen. More than 90 Thais who resides in Aarhus and nearby areas came to receive the service. In the same occasion, Ambassador Sirilak also met and had lunch with the representatives of Thai associations and Thai groups from Aarhus and other cities nearby to discuss about cooperation between the Embassy and the associations on ways to strengthen the Thai community.

