The Royal Thai Embassy in Copenhagen in collaboration with the Office of the Vocational Education Commission of Thailand brought experts from Dalum Academy of Agricultural Business of Denmark to give lecture in Thailand.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Copenhagen in collaboration with the Office of the Vocational Education Commission of Thailand brought experts from Dalum Academy of Agricultural Business of Denmark to give lecture in Thailand.

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 12 Sep 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 12 Sep 2023

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The Royal Thai Embassy in Copenhagen in collaboration with the Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC) brought two experts from Denmark's Dalum Academy of Agricultural Business namely Mr. Niels Erik Jespersen (cattle farm management expert) and Ms. Marianne Kyed (pig farm expert) to Thailand during 4-6 September 2023 to be lecturers in the Project to promote cooperation and develop technology and innovation potentials of vocational education institutions of agriculture in Thailand with Denmark, which was held at Siam Thani Hotel in Surat Thani Province. There were 60 participants from the Office of VEC, teachers and personnels of the Colleges of Agriculture and Technology and vocational education institutions of agriculture in all 4 regions. The topics of the lecture were livestock production management, dairy farm management, sustainable and environmental-friendly agriculture, management to reduce carbon and optimize the use of nutrients as well as future farming.
At the opening ceremony of the Project on 4 September 2023, Dr. Khunying Kanlaya Sophonpanich, Deputy Minister of Education at that time and expert in science, technology and modern agriculture, gave a special lecture by stressing on the development of smart technology which plays an important role in increasing agricultural production and reducing impacts on the environment. The development of agricultural and food technology can rely on Thailand's biodiversity advantages to further drive the country's economy. She pointed out that this was a good opportunity for teachers and personnels from agricultural vocational education institutes in all 4 regions of Thailand who attended this training to gain knowledge and various techniques from Denmark to further develop the country's agricultural teaching and learning.
In addition, Mr. Narongchai Charoenrujisap, Director of Cooperation, OVEC, stated that the implementation of the Project together with the Royal Thai Embassy in Copenhagen this year had the objective to promote the exchange of knowledges in agricultural technology and innovation between Thailand and Denmark which educational institutions in Thailand could apply to further enhance the potential of Thailand's Colleges of Agriculture and Technology, as well as to foster Thailand's agricultural structured to become a country of technology and innovation that emphasizes on sustainability according to Thai government's BCG (Bio-Circular-Green) economic model.
On 5 September 2023, Mr. Narongchai Charoenrujisap Director of Cooperation, OVEC, led the speakers from Dalum Academy of Agricultural Business and participants in this Project to a study visit on farm management technology, smart farming, management technology for dairy and pig farms as well as agricultural farms at Surat Thani College of Agriculture and Technology to exchange knowledges on agricultural techniques between Thailand and Denmark. Ms. Jaruwan Daengma, College’s director, teachers and students greeted and gave them a tour of Surat Thani College of Agriculture and Technology.
The Project was successfully achieved and marked the beginning of cooperation between Thailand's Agricultural Vocational Education Institutes and Denmark's Dalum Academy of Agricultural Business. Both sides also had a meeting and discussed about the exchange of international trainings, development of teaching and learning management as well as vocational training in order to bring Danish knowledge in sustainable agriculture to further increase efficiency and eco-friendly productivity in Thailand.

