Ambassador of Thailand to Denmark, together with ASEAN Committee in Copenhagen (ACC), had a meeting with Mayors of City of Copenhagen.

Ambassador of Thailand to Denmark, together with ASEAN Committee in Copenhagen (ACC), had a meeting with Mayors of City of Copenhagen.

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 22 Jun 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 22 Jun 2023

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On 14th June 2023, Ms. Sirilak Niyom, Ambassador of Thailand to Denmark, together with ASEAN Committee in Copenhagen (ACC), had a meeting with Mr. Jens-Kristian Lütken, Mayor of Employment and Integration and Ms. Sisse Marie Welling, Mayor of Healthcare, City of Copenhagen. The Ambassador and the ACC was invited by Mr. Lütken to discuss and exchange views and information regarding the effort to promote the employment opportunity of nursing professionals from ASEAN countries to alleviate the shortage of workers in the healthcare sector of the City of Copenhagen. In this occasion, the Ambassador brought to attention the issues and obstacles to obtain nursing working authorization in Denmark, especially for nursing professionals from outside the EU. They were required to fulfil a difficult Danish language requirement and were struggled to find a healthcare facility where they could have the required 6-month internship. The aforementioned circumstances, therefore, prevented some Thai nurses from making any meaningful contribution through their knowledge and expertise to Danish Healthcare sector. In this regard, both Mayors agreed to use information of the ACC for consultation with the relevant Danish authorities in order to identify solutions for the shortage of nursing professionals in the long term.

