Ambassador of Thailand hosted dinner for Ambassador of Singapore to Denmark at the Thai Residence in Copenhagen

Ambassador of Thailand hosted dinner for Ambassador of Singapore to Denmark at the Thai Residence in Copenhagen

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 8 Jun 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 8 Jun 2022

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On 5 June 2022, H.E. Mrs. Sirilak Niyom, Ambassador of Thailand to Denmark, and Mr. Theerakun Niyom, her spouse, hosted a dinner for H.E. Ms. Tan Poh Hong, Ambassador of Singapore to Denmark (roving Ambassador and non-resident) at the Thai Ambassador’s Residence. The dinner was also attended by H.E. Mr. Leo M. Herrera-Lim, Ambassador of the Philippines and his spouse, H.E. Ms. Dewi Savitri Wahab, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Morten Jaepelt, Honorary Consul-General of Singapore in Copenhagen and his spouse, Mr. Ruo Wei Chan from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore and diplomats from the Royal Thai Embassy.

