Ambassador-designate of Thailand to Denmark attended the 70th Anniversary of the Danish-Thai Association

Ambassador-designate of Thailand to Denmark attended the 70th Anniversary of the Danish-Thai Association

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 24 Aug 2021

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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On 21 August 21 2021, H.E. Mrs. Sirilak Niyom, Ambassador-designate of Thailand to Denmark, together with Mr. Theerakun Niyom, her spouse, were invited to attend the dinner hosted by the Danish-Thai Association at the Blue Elephant Restaurant, on the occasion of the Association’s 70th anniversary and the 400th anniversary of the first contact between Thailand and Denmark in 2021.
On this occasion, H.E. Ambassador Sirilak Niyom delivered her remarks to congratulate and thank the Association and its members, who are truly Friends of Thailand, for helping to promote the relationship between Thailand and Denmark. She also reflected on the long history of relations starting from the first contact 400 years ago, to the establishment of diplomatic relations during the reign of H.M. King Rama IV and the two visits to Denmark by H.M. King Rama V that laid the foundation for the close ties between the two royal families and countries.
H.E. the Ambassador also mentioned that the cooperation between Thailand and Denmark in the present era has increased in many dimensions in terms of trade, investment and people-to-people contacts, which members of the Association have contributed to foster such relations. The Royal Thai Embassy stands ready to work with the Danish-Thai Association to further enhance cooperation between the two countries.

